Contact our San Marcos dog bite lawyer immediately if your injury was caused by a dog bite. Our attorney may determine that you have a dog bite lawsuit. With only 2 percent of the population in the United States affected by dog bites on a yearly basis, bites are still common enough to warrant the issuance of legal regulations. Roughly 20 percent of people who are bitten by dogs need to go to emergency rooms. A small minority of dog bite victims die because of the harmful bacteria transmitted from the interior of a dog’s mouth. The majority of dog bite attacks happen to young children. Youngsters who tend to tease or bully dogs are often bitten because the dogs feel threatened.

For a free consultation call (619) 752-2217 our attorneys will fight for your rights
Dogs occasionally attack and bite children simply because the small toddlers are easy targets. A typical dog bite occurs on a child’s neck or face. A serious bite can cause permanent scarring requiring plastic surgery. Pit bull terriers present the most complex types of dog bites posing serious threats to a child’s health. A pit bull terrier is often guilty of biting an innocent young child who does not provoke the animal.
Determining Whether a Dog Bite Qualifies as a Legal Claim
In California, dog owners are liable for the actions of their dogs. California law states that a person has the right to sue a dog owner for any injury or dog bite. The only prerequisite is that the dog bite must occur either in a public establishment or in a private place that met the requirements of privacy. A private place must exhibit a visible “No Trespassing” sign.
The strict liability law in California automatically assumes that the dog owner is guilty of a crime regardless of whether an act of negligence occurred. Accordingly, a California dog owner may try to make a claim that the injured party was illegally trespassing on private property. Our San Marcos dog bite lawyer will determine whether you trespassed on the dog owner’s property.
Common Injuries Caused by Dog Bites
1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A dog bite is a terrifying experience. Whether the injured person is a child or an adult, the individual may develop a terrible fear of dogs. Some people injured by dog bites become recluses who never leave their homes. Contact our San Marcos dog bite lawyer today if you have been diagnosed with PTSD caused by a dog bite.
2. Rabies
Rabies can cause serious brain damage or death. If you were bitten by a dog, you most likely already received a series of shots designed to prevent you from contracting rabies. Dogs need to have vaccinations against rabies. However, some pet owners are extremely negligent and never take their dogs to the veterinarian for checkups or vaccinations.
3. Tetanus and Miscellaneous Infections
A dog bite can cause tetanus. Many people do not keep up-to-date with their tetanus shots and are vulnerable to contracting the disease if they are bitten. Cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide can help to lessen the chances of getting a serious infection.
Dog Bite Injuries May Cause Severe Hardships
Partial or full paralysis may occur from a dog bite. The person may become immobile for the remainder of his or her life. Paralysis means that the injured party may not have the ability to find employment.
A person who has experienced a severe injury caused by a dog bite may no longer have the financial means to take care of his or her family. If you have been injured by a dog bite, our San Marcos dog bite lawyer can help you to win a lawsuit resulting in financial compensation for your injury and suffering.
What to Do After a Dog Bite
1. File a police report.
2. Go to the emergency room for required medical treatment.
3. Obtain copies of the police report and medical transcripts.
If you were bitten by a dog, it is imperative that you contact our San Marcos dog bite lawyer now. California law places a two-year statute of limitations limit on all personal injuries. Since a dog bite is a personal injury, it is in your best interest to set up an appointment today.
For a free consultation call us (619) 752-2217
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