Just this past Fourth of July, over 100 drunk drivers were arrested in the San Diego County alone. Across the rest of the state, officials apprehended more than 1,400 drunk drivers. This is just one symptom of a widespread drinking and driving problem plaguing California. According to MADD, 28 percent of fatal accidents in California

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DUI Prevention and Consequences of Drunk Driving

A pesar de que en número de personas manejando bajo los influjos del alcohol o drogas a disminuido en el Estado de California, cada año cientos de personas mueren y miles son gravemente heridas por éstos actos criminales. Si usted ha sido víctima de un accidente causado por una persona en estado de ebriedad en

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¿A Sido Herido en un Accidente Causado por una Persona Ebria en Chula Vista?

Although drunk- and drug-impaired driving is down in the State of California, hundreds of people are killed and thousands are seriously injured by this criminal behavior ever single year. If you have been a victim of a drunk driving accident in Chula Vista you’re not alone. If you’re concerned about the rate of drunk-driving accidents

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Have You Been Hurt in a Drunk Driving Accident in Chula Vista?