San Diego's #1 Wrongful Death Attorney
Our 30 years of experience in this field has provided us with the knowledge necessary to address the difficult issues that comprise a wrongful death case. When your case requires the personal attention of a committed legal professional, trust in a San Diego wrongful death lawyer that promises to keep your best interests in mind. Our Lawyers have won hundreds of thousands of dollars for our clients and are dedicated to a sense of service that is unparalleled in the field of legal representation in San Diego.
When an individual loses his or her life due to the negligence of someone else, this is referred to legally as wrongful death. Wrongful death cases are some of the most emotionally and financially taxing legal cases, making the role of a San Diego wrongful death lawyer more important than many people realize.
Over 30yrs experience and $100+ Million recovered for wrongful death victims
For a free consultation call us (619) 752-2217
Over 30yrs experience and $100+ Million recovered for wrongful death victims
For a free consultation call us (619) 752-2217
There are many situations in which the term ‘wrongful death’ may apply to a given case. In San Diego and other places the causes can include, but are not limited to, car crashes, aviation accidents, medical malpractice, falls and drownings, fatal injuries incurred while at work and shootings or other crimes. No matter the cause of death in a situation like this, the aftermath is always incredibly painful for the family and friends left behind, you need to contact the an attorney in San Diego.
Losing a family member.
If you have lost a spouse or family member in a case of wrongful death due to someone else’s negligence or failure to act, you are entitled to just compensation. While financial compensation does nothing to alleviate the pain of losing a loved one, it does go a long way toward helping to pay for funeral costs and helping to keep your family afloat while you adjust to life without the income that has been lost. You will need the advise and support of an attorney.
Unfortunately for a number of families in San Diego, many wrongful death cases are never given the time and legal attention with the qualified lawyer they deserve. Countless individuals fall victim to the mistaken belief that they are powerless in difficult situations such as this. Families left to grieve feel that they have nowhere to turn when a spouse or other loved one is taken from them in such a way, but this is not the case. In fact, depending on the circumstances of your loved one’s death, your family may very well be entitled to substantial compensation. A qualified San Diego wrongful death lawyer will help you determine what benefits may be applicable in your individual case.
Taking care of you.
The full range of available benefits may exceed your expectations, allowing you move on with your lives more easily than you anticipated. Though your loss is one that will affect you permanently, the loss of income that accompanies the death of your family member does not have to prove to be such a debilitating blow. Call us for a lawyer free consultation.
In order to take full advantage of the compensation benefits that may be available to you, it is of critical importance that you consult a San Diego wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible following the death of your spouse or loved one. It is expected that, after a tragedy of this magnitude, a family will spend a considerable amount of time grieving the loss of a loved one. However, certain limitations apply to cases of wrongful death. In order to act as your legal representative and personal advocate in any case such as this, your attorney in San Diego must be notified of your loss and be informed of all pertinent information in as timely a manner as is possible.
In addition to helping your family cope with this tremendous loss, your San Diego wrongful death attorney will ensure that you are treated fairly and properly by insurance companies following the death of your spouse or family member. In many situations, insurance companies can erect an unfair number of obstacles for you and your family, making an already difficult experience even more trying. Rather than suffer further.
Our experienced attorneys at San Diego Personal Injury Attorneys will guide you and help you get the compensation you deserve. By hiring us, we will aggressively fight for you! For a free consultation call us (619) 752-2217
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About Deon Goldschmidt